
in your mental wellbeing

now & in the future.

Rebecca strives to provide individually tailored clinically focused mental health care for women in rural & regional Australia. Rebecca ensures her fees are below the rate recommended by the Australian Psychological Society ($300 for 40-60 minutes).

Scroll down for a detailed description of Rebecca’s fees.

“Mental health symptoms are associated with relationship difficulties; decision making; motivation; quality of life & parenting difficulties - which have negative consequences for child development”.

It is time to prioritise your mental health for now & for your future.

As a clinical psychologist, Rebecca provides a wide range of psychological services to individuals for mental health conditions that range from mild to severe and complex.

Rebecca can assist you with: 

  • ADHD screening & coaching

  • Mental health challenges of endometriosis & PCOS

  • Planning your pregnancy journey

  • Navigating fertility challenges

  • Mental health during pregnancy

  • Birth planning & anxiety

  • Trauma, adjustment to motherhood

  • Anxiety, worry & stress

  • Depression, motivation & change

  • Sleep, infant sleep & confidence with an unsettled baby

  • Feeding your baby & your mental health

  • Motherhood, rage & identity

  • Parenting

  • Intimacy & relationships

  • Body image & dieting

Clinical Psychology for Rural Women.

  • If you see your GP, Psychiatrist or Paediatrician and obtain a Mental Health Care Plan & referral, you can then receive Medicare rebates of up to 10 sessions (per calendar year), of $141.85 per session.

    If you’ve hit your medicare safety net, then rebates will be significantly higher.

    You must see your GP and obtain a Mental Health Care Plan before your first session with Rebecca, to be eligible for Medicare rebates.

    We will process your medicare rebate for you and you will receive it via bank transfer from medicare within 48 hours of your appointment.

  • If you have private health insurance, you may be eligible for rebates under Extras cover. As every fund is different and can change over time, it is best to check with your fund about your specific entitlements etc.

  • Rebecca is unable to offer bukbilled sessions due the cost of practice, insurances, overheads and consumables.

    To cover these costs the APS recommend psychologists charge $300 per hour.

    If you are experiencing financial hardship please reach out to our team and we will discuss consesion options or alternative supports.

