A voice for rural women.

Mother of two and practicing Clinical Psychologist living and breathing rural life on a 6th generation mixed grazing property in New England NSW. Having experienced birthing her daughter on an ambulance plane at 33 weeks, a stint in NICU and navigating a second high risk pregnancy in the bush Rebecca is passionate about bringing mental health services to rural women.

Welcome to RG Psychology - Rural womens psychological support online.

A Safe & Confidential Space For Rural Women & Mothers.

As Seen In



The Motherland Podcast

EP 221: Clinical Psychologist Rebecca Gilchrist gave birth on a plane

One Question with Michelle Cox Podcast

Isolated Mothers with Rebecca Gilchrist

The Motherwhelm Podcast

EP 13: Rebecca | Motherhood | NICU, 33 weeks, PROM, air ambulance birth, rural communities, mental health support, blended family.

Birthing her daughter on an ambulance plane at just 33 weeks was not how Rebecca imagined starting a family with a New England grazier on his 6th generation sheep & cattle property. Rebecca has first hand experience of the difficulties facing regional women, the challenges faced by mothers experiencing complex pregnancies, traumatic births, isolation & of children requiring additional medical care. Rebecca now supports women across Australia via telehealth in areas of general mental health, anxiety, fertility, pregnancy, birthing & parenting. Rebecca provides general information, resources and a dash of life on the farm @her_rural_psychologist on Instagram. 

Rebecca Gilchrist

Clinical Psychologist

Fellow of the APS College of Clinical Psychologists

BBus, BPsych(Hons), MPsych(Clinical)

Hailing from a small Victorian high country border town, Rebecca went on to spend much of her childhood and early adulthood living overseas including university studies and professional adventures.

Rebecca is now a mother of two young children & step mother of three, that she is raising with her partner, a local New England grazier on his 6th generation sheep and cattle property. Rebecca has first hand experience of the difficulties facing regional women, the challenges faced by mothers experiencing complex pregnancies, and of children requiring additional medical care. This unique blend of life adventures brings a wealth of life experiences and a deep understanding of the value in our differences as individuals.

Rebecca has completed several Bachelor’s degrees in Business, Arts and Psychology, followed by a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology. Rebecca is a registered Clinical Psychologist who employs a person-centred, motivational, and strengths based approach that is guided by the principals of positive psychology and mindfulness philosophies. Rebecca works from the secure base of a therapeutic alliance fostered in the evidence based understanding that the client is the expert of their own experience and fostering a strong therapeutic alliance is the main factor for achieving positive change in her client’s lives. Whether it’s online or in-person, Rebecca aims to create an inclusive, open-minded and relaxed session space that makes you feel comfortable, safe and heard. 

Rebecca attended university in Istanbul, Turkey before completing her tertiary education including a Bachelor of Arts (Psychology), Bachelor of Psychology (Hons), Bachelor of Business (Human Resource Management) and Masters of Clinical Psychology in Melbourne, Victoria before her passion for improving service provision in regional areas led to Uralla.

Rebecca welcomes connection, discussion and collaboration to share her story and professional insights to advocate for rural women.