Rebecca Gilchrist Rebecca Gilchrist

“Change Does Not Happen When You Are Comfortable”

In the realm of resolutions, comfort zones are the enemy of change for anyone, but truely relevant for rural women!

As we kick off 2024, remember: 'Change does not happen when you are comfortable.' Embrace the discomfort, relish the challenge, and watch as your resolutions transform from aspirations to achievements. At RG Psychology and Psychologist for Rural Women Rebecca is here to guide you through the discomfort, empowering you to step outside the familiar and make this year a canvas for your personal evolution. Get ready to redefine comfort and witness the extraordinary changes that follow. Let's make 2024 your year of daring transformation.

Are you ready to embrace the discomfort and thrive?

Navigating New Year Resolutions: Expert Strategies for Holistic Well-being

The dawn of a new year often sparks a desire for positive change and self-improvement. As we set our sights on new goals and resolutions, it's crucial to approach them with a strategic mindset that promotes lasting success.

Start Small for Lasting Change

The adage "small steps lead to big changes" holds profound truth, especially when it comes to setting and achieving New Year's resolutions. Rather than overwhelming ourselves with grand, sweeping gestures that may be difficult to sustain, consider starting small. Practical, achievable goals not only make the process more manageable but also increase the likelihood of success.

For instance, instead of imposing a strict ban on all sweets, consider a more moderate approach. Swap out dessert with healthier alternatives like fruit or yogurt. This not only satisfies your sweet tooth but also makes the transition more gradual. By taking small steps, you'll avoid the feeling of deprivation, making it easier to stay committed to your resolutions and steadily move closer to your larger goals. Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve and your site can evolve with it. Your goal should be to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does.

Create Clearly Defined Goals with SMART Principles 

Setting goals is an integral part of any self-improvement journey, but vague or unrealistic resolutions can be challenging to achieve. Enter SMART goals—Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. By incorporating these principles, you create a roadmap that not only clarifies your objectives but also provides a systematic approach to track your progress.

For instance, if your resolution is to "exercise more," transform it into a SMART goal like "go for a 20-minute walk 3 times a week." This specific, measurable target ensures that you have a clear benchmark for success. As you achieve each milestone, you'll experience a sense of accomplishment, reinforcing your motivation to continue on your journey of self-improvement.

Understand When Old Habits Are Strongest

Change is often accompanied by challenges, and one of the greatest hurdles is dealing with the persistence of old habits. Recognising when these habits are most potent is a crucial step in overcoming them. Often, our environments and routines act as triggers that signal our brains to revert to familiar behaviors.

Take quitting smoking, for example. If you used to smoke when socializing with friends, the desire to smoke may intensify in similar social settings. By identifying these triggers, you empower yourself to anticipate and manage challenging situations. Understanding when old habits are strongest allows you to implement strategies to navigate these moments successfully.

A Season of Change: Nurturing Positive Messages

As we embark on this new year, it's important to acknowledge that resolutions related to weight loss and eating can sometimes reinforce negative messages about our bodies and perpetuate unrealistic stereotypes.  I work hard to fostering a supportive environment that encourages positive change without compromising the diversity of body shapes and sizes.

Rather than succumbing to societal pressures, we advocate for self-compassion and acceptance. Embracing a holistic approach to well-being involves recognising the interconnectedness of mental and physical health. By nurturing positive messages about our bodies, we empower ourselves to make sustainable and healthy choices that contribute to overall well-being.

Make 2024 Your Year of Positive Transformation and remember:

“Change does not happen when we’re comfortable”

As we embrace the opportunities that the new year presents as rural women and mothers, let's approach our resolutions with intention and expertise. By starting small, creating clearly defined goals, understanding our triggers, and nurturing positive messages about our bodies, we can foster lasting well-being. At RG Psychology we invite you to make 2024 a year of positive transformation and self-discovery. Together as rural women, let's navigate the path to holistic well-being and embrace the journey towards a healthier, happier you.

If you're ready to embark on this transformative journey with expert guidance, simply complete the New Client form and we will reach out to complete your free initial call. Wishing you a year filled with growth, resilience, and well-being.

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