Values of Boundary Setting.

As I reflect on the first month of 2024 and the many plans, dedications and assertions made professionally, personally and within the walls of the clinic - the lessons floating to the surface seem to centre on exploring the discomfort inherent in setting boundaries.

Whether within the walls of the clinic or across the various domains of my own life as a mother, farmer, partner and friend, I've discovered that values-based work offers a powerful tool for addressing challenges related to boundaries (both setting them and holding firm!). This approach encourages you to be guided by your personal values and ethics, establishing clear parameters, and understanding the hierarchy of these values. This introspective process lays a solid foundation for navigating the complexities of setting boundaries.

It's important to acknowledge that genuine change rarely occurs within the confines of comfort. Opting for choices aligned with our values may bring about discomfort, but it is through this discomfort that we experience transformative growth. Embracing the difficulty of making choices that resonate with our authentic selves is a courageous act in itself.

I invite you to engage in meditation as a way to connect with internal discomfort. Pay attention to the physical sensations accompanying pain and the emotional resistance to conflict avoidance we often feel when setting or holding boundaries. Observe these sensations with curiosity, and empower yourself to take purposeful steps away from the path of least resistance. Envision walking against the current, moving steadfastly towards your values.

In essence, this coming month encourages us to stand firm in our values, even when faced with discomfort. Embracing the reality that the right choices may be accompanied by pain empowers us to navigate the currents of change with resilience and purpose.

May the insights from this month serve as a source of strength as we continue on the transformative journey of aligning our choices with our deepest values.


“Change Does Not Happen When You Are Comfortable”